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Keeping at it!

I'm going into my seventh week with the Charles Atlas course, and I've been sticking with it. Hasn't been easy, but i'm doing it. I'm now into lesson 5, which focuses on the back. when I did this course the first time, I did not care for the exercises in this paricular lesson, I just wasn't feeling it. But since I have other resources, I decided to forego the dynamic tension exercises for the back and use "The Zen in the art of self resistance" version instead.  The exercises are much easier to do, and I feel the back gets the attention it needs, at least for my needs. The Atlas version seemed like it was putting some strain on my lower back, I did want ot skip this lesson since I committed to seeing it through, but I wasn't going to force myself through unnecessary pain which could cause future damage to my back.

I also keep a basic stretching routine, nothing too strenous. I get on it every morning, usually takes about 20 min.  Here's what a typical has been like for the last six weeks:

Getting up in the morning I loosing the joints by doing rotating and swinging exercises for the whole body. I then do 30 jumping jacks to get the circulation going and go right into the stretching the shoulders, back, arms (biceps and triceps) then the hamstrings, thighs, and calves. Then I have breakfast, take vitamens, do my errands. When I get home I do the first workout,then get some work done (I work at home) and eat lunch. Relax for little bit. Gets some more work done. Do the second workout, and enjoy the rest of the day with my wife.

I keep the workouts lively, I play a DVD of a favorite movie or tv show from my collection. I prefer comedy to keep things positive, every once in a while I'll play some music. But I find the music I like, heavy metal, tends to get me little too riled up in that it becomes a distraction. This only happens when I'm exercising btw, when I'm just listening to it doing nothing else, I'm fine.

I'll probably post again in the next coupl of weeks I'll keep adding updates to the apge maybes a few article on the subject of BW, DT and other related items.

Charles Atlas and "Zen" some!

 About 3 years ago I attempted to get The Weight Free Warriors site launched, but because of time restraints I was never able to follow up on it. After some time, I was falling behind in my workouts. I had decided to to put a halt to this before I started to lose my way and my hard earned physique. With that I decided to re-start the Charles Atlas course, complete the whole 12 lessons to a "T" and decide to use the Perpetual lesson you're supposed to do after the course or try something different like a custom workout.  After the the first three weeks I thought it would be a good idea to start up the site again as a form of motivation. 

It is truly amazing the legacy that Charles Atlas has left on our culture. The people he has inspired counted in the millions and I'm happy to be a practitioner of Dynamic Tension. You could google his name and find several articles written in the last 10 years about His life, the actual program, the controversies, and stories from people who knew him. One of those controversies you always keep reading is whether or not he attained his physique from his system or lifting weights. My answer to this? Who cares? I use DT, as we Atlas disciples call it, and I can tell you,it works! I don't think he would endorse something if it was not legit nor would it stand the test of time! So who cares if he got built from weights, pulleys, pulling trains, lifting ponies, whatever! If people claims it beneficial, give it a chance! My biggest regret is that I never gambled a stamp and ordered the course when I was a 16 (I'm 40 now). I'll keep updating my progress and post pictures when the course is done.

I would like to recommend a site that offers an isometric/isotonic workout for free. It has been around for many years and it is well put together with easy instructions along with photos and illustrations. It's called the "Zen Of Self-resistance" and the link is on the mainpage of this site. The site's moderator goes under the name "Shenandoah" and he should be commended for the work he has put into it. Before I started to slow down in my workouts, I used many of the exercises from the "Zen" page and got alot out of them. They are perfect for those who work at home or have their own private office. There are exercises for every muscle group and there is a forum that is still active. So, yes I would definitely endorse the "Zen" site for those looking for a weight free workout that is in a word, free! - Till next time.

Building Your Body The Natural Way!